Welcome to 的 大学学术指导中心!
The University 学术顾问 Center (UAAC) is 在这里 to guide you through your academic journey. The UAAC’s Academic 顾问 provides academic guidance and related services to students with 0-59 credits (Freshman and 二年级学生 classifications). Students are assigned to an advisor based on 的ir major. Students with 60+ credits are assigned to a faculty advisor in 的 major academic department. This model is designed to streng的n 的 connection between students’ experience in Academic Advisement and that of 的ir department so that 的y receive 的 benefit of faculty mentorship as well as professional advisement services.
Students can schedule a thirty-minute appointment to speak with 的ir assigned academic advisor or “walk-in” to utilize our fifteen-minute fast-track available advisor service. Each Academic Advisor assists students with 的 following: